Friday, December 19, 2008

Week 12: Wrap up; social networks and catch up

Social networking can be used by libraries in a variety of diffeent ways to promote events, clubs and programs. It could also be used to review books and share resources for storytimes.

Its a great way to bring the library to the people especially those who would not usually come to the library.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Week 11: Online applications and tools

Google Docs seems to be a great tool that can be accessed on any internet computer. No more waiting to log into your own computer account.

At Wodonga Library we have been using google docs for public internet bookings.
We have also been looking into how we can use calenders and other shared documents.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Week 10: Mashups

Had fun with this. I created a calender.

Week 9: Podcasts and Audio

Help on podcasts

I listened to -
Books as history
This is an interesting discussion on the changing world of books.
Can we live without books and will traditional book publishing ever become extinct like music records and tapes and what is so special about books and their history.

Podcasting is another way of sharing and producing information. This could be used in the library to cast writer interviews and reviews on library catalogues.

Week 8: Answer boards and social searching

Sort of like state libraries ask a librarian but there are numerous librarians who can answer the question. Forums are a good way to share and discuss ideas.